Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Re-Do

I had started to write something today about how much one of my colleagues is driving me nuts (and in fact wrote a fairly long anecdote about how crazy she is), but realized that there is a remote chance she could read this blog someday and make the connection about who I was talking about. She herself is on a weight-loss endeavor, and if she stumbles across this in her quest for inspiration (which is how I have found all of my inspiration blogs), well, that would be bad.

So now that I'm on Post #2 for the day but no one gets to see the first one, I don't really feel like writing too much.

So I'll just put down for posterity that after 3 headache-free days, I ended up with a migraine yesterday after eating three bites (only three bites!) of an overripe avocado. That'll teach me to think I know better than my forbidden food list!

Feeling much better today, though.

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About Me

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Virginia, United States
I'm a 30-year-old girl just trying to figure it all out when it comes to life, love, and food.