Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Healthy Food Diet

So I'm slowly starting to realize that I might have reached a place in my life where I have to eat healthy food and only healthy food. For some that might sound like a good problem to have. But for someone who has devoted far too many nights to finding dinners at 7-Eleven or Rite Aid, having to feed myself entirely from wholesome, whole, non-preserved food presents a big and scary challenge.

Last night, I went to drinks after work with one of my (relatively new) friends. It was to celebrate or commiserate about how my interview went earlier in the day. It was a "drink no matter how it turns out" night. We went to a beautiful restaurant in Farragut Square with a bar that on Friday nights serves a bar menu devoted to autumn. It was such a cozy scene. All the drinks were made from apple cider and came with a tasting menu of autumnal food - venison chili, pumpkin puffs with maple cream, sweet potato samosas. Mixed with great conversation and a beautiful atmosphere, it was a good way to end the week.

Unfortunately, I ended up with a migraine this morning. I'm not sure how much of it was because I'd eaten crap for lunch (clam chowder, bread, and an apple turnover). I started getting a headache soon after lunch. Was it the milk in the chowder? The wheat bread? The sugar in the turnover? Who knows. But I'm guessing the food last night didn't help. Or the alcohol.

So this morning I had to get back on the anti-headache diet. But it's so frustrating...yesterday I basically ate good food - or at least well-prepared with wholesome ingredients, even if they were not low-fat. But they still gave me a headache. I don't know. Maybe I'm going to have to just adhere to the headache diet 90% of the time and then just splurge every now and then.

If only I could be more like this blogger: She clearly has a love affair with good, wholesome food and is a darn good cook to boot. I love reading her entries. Plus, I secretly want to be Scottish :) You should check it out too.

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About Me

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Virginia, United States
I'm a 30-year-old girl just trying to figure it all out when it comes to life, love, and food.