Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Historic Day

It would be hard to write anything at all today without mentioning the election yesterday. Barack Obama won a decisive victory yesterday, and it gives me new hope for the future. It would be nice to once again be able to say I'm proud to be an American (cue song lyrics...). I hope he is up for what will undoubtedly be a massive challenge to get this nation back on its feet.

I spent election night as any self-respecting denizen of our nation's capital should...drinking, eating crap, analyzing CNN's projections, and coloring my U.S. map as each state was called for Obama. It was a great night, and I'm thrilled.

Unfortunately, I am also sleep-deprived and coming off what can only be described as a sugar binge launched to ease my nerves.

Yes, I have a headache, and it's pissing me off. I've reached the point where I'm so sick of my head hurting that any kind of headache upsets me, which just makes me want to eat more crap. Ugh. This is starting to look like it might require a death medicine.

Anyway, I think it was worth it. Yesterday was a great day for America, and I hope it heralds more great days to come.

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Virginia, United States
I'm a 30-year-old girl just trying to figure it all out when it comes to life, love, and food.